Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jesus Christ

Note to reader
I would firstly like to state, that the information I can put on Christ here is less than the smallest summary. All the books in the universe could not cover the smallest fraction of the Redeemer, even with our historic notes.



Meaning God saves, or Yahweh is Salvation.
It is the Latin translation of the Greek: “Iesous” which in turn translated the Hebrew name : of either “Jeshua, Joshua or Jehoshua“.
It refers both to Jesus mission, and his nature.
A name, in the given society, within the context of the bible, is given by God- in order to covey the nature of a person. To ask something in Jesus name, could well refer as much to his nature, as to his actual name, as shown in the Book of James (James chapter 4 verses 3,4, 8, and 10), where the verse on prayer is clarified.

The title Jesus adopts, as a king gains the name king (name), or an emperor gains the name Emperor (name), or a doctor gains the name Dr. (name).
Meaning “Anointed One” or “Anointed Messiah“.
Anointed refers to the position of Priests, kings, and Prophets in the Old Testament times. This name shows that Jesus combined all three titles.
“The use of the definite article before the word Christ and its gradual development into a proper name show the Christians identified the bearer with the promised Messias of the Jews. He combined in His person the offices of prophet (John 6:14; Matthew 13:57; Luke 13:33; 24:19) of king (Luke 23:2; Acts 17:7; 1 Corinthians 15:24; Apocalypse 15:3), and of priest (Hebrews 2:17; etc.); he fulfilled all the Messianic predictions in a fuller and a higher sense than had been given them by the teachers of the Synagogue.” http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08374x.htm
His position as the servant king, is again shown in God’s naming him, his son, with whom he is well pleased, a combination of the naming of a king (”son”) and the reference to God’s servant, as seen in Isaiah’s 53rd chapter, in verse 10, and the entirety of the chapter’s prediction.
Jewish Messiah- the Jews expected a great king to come, in the line of David, fulfilling prophesy. Jesus, was the expected “Messiah”, the Saviour of the Jews.
“Emmanual” or “God with us” (LLX : “Emmanouel“) is the prophetic name given to the child of a virgin in Isaiah chapter 7, verse 14. It already shows the trinitarian nature of the child, who is both God and man, fully both natures.
Messiah (Christ) is the name of Jesus, given in Daniel 9:26 and Psalm 2:2; it is the prophetic reference to the Jewish messiah.
Jesus name for himself

Jesus called himself the “son of man”, this is both a reference to the prophesy in Daniel (Daniel chapter 7 verse 13) and to God’s human nature, which is taken on.

It shows also, as is demonstrated throughout the bible, that God’s kingdom actually came with Jesus, and is already established in the church.

Lamb of God

This name, often used in Eucharistic ceremony, is used to denote Jesus’ innocence, and sacrificial nature, but also relates to the idea that the blood of such an animal was placed in a cross shape on the door frames of the Jewish people in Egypt, when the destroyer passed through the towns of Egypt, and killed the firstborn of the Egyptians, but spared the firstborn of the Jews, for the sacrificed blood on the door frames.

It is further a reference to Jesus’ perfection, in that the sacrificial lamb had to be without blemish.

“Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world” this statement refers, not simply to the ignoring, or covering, or sweeping under the rug, of the sins of those who believe, but the actual freeing from slavery to the devil, and slavery to the actions of sin (I John chapter 3 verses 7 and 8), over a time, and payment for such (I Corinthians 11 verse 32;Hebrews 12 verse 4) - in such a form, that the Catholic, actually becomes righteous via the sacraments(reference), and purification (Hebrews 12 verse 4), which continues after death in purgatory. In this, all is righted, showing God’s justice, yet the punishment, due to Christ’s death, is not permanent, as God shows, he will not punish the blameless. It is noted, that the Jews, continued to offer sacrifices every year, because they continued to sin.
Sacrifice, timeless, once- only

The sacrifice, was, as the bible notes, only one sacrifice (Hebrews chapter 9 verse 26), which accounts for all sin, throughout history. For this reason, the immaculate conception of Mary was already via the salvation of the cross, and every Eucharistic service, in fact, does not repeat the sacrifice, but connect through time, into the original sacrifice, connecting all the saints, throughout history into this one event,whereby the entire body becomes united, by the breaking of but a single loaf.

Actual Presence in valid Eucharist

Paul himself says that the Corinthians were sick or dying because they did not recognize the Eucharistic bread as the Actual body of Christ. In fact, they were condemning themselves by not recognizing the actual presence, or even respecting it (I Corinthian 11 Verse 29) and would be answerable to harming his body (verse 27) should they take it unworthily.


The salvation of the cross, is thereby administered via the sacraments, which exchange obedient faith, in obeying the illogical, for grace, which purifies (Romans chapter 3 verse 25;I Peter chapter 3 verse 21;1 Corinthians 12 Verse 13), edifies, maintains, and saves(I Peter chapter 3 verse 21;Gospel of John chapter 6) the Christian, entering him into the church(1 Corinthians 12 Verse 13), uniting him with his fellow believers in the Eucharist (Corinthians 10:17) and conforming him to the very image of Christ, via the church, which is the pillar and foundation of the Truth (1 Timothy 3:14-16).

Jesus as the church

Jesus also exists via his church, which the bible calls his body ( Ephesians chapter 4 verse16; I Collosians chapter 1 v 3, 16-18, 24, 26, 28 ; I Corinthians chapter 15 verses 24, 25 ,26, 50,I Timothy chapter 3 verse 15, Ephesians 5 verse 24; CCC 669), with him at the head. This is shown especially in Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, which shows that it is via the works of his servant on earth, that God saves others, and acts (I Corinthians chapter 9 Verse 16;and a passage where St.Paul speaks of people only hearing the Gospel, if people are sent to preach it) in the world.

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